Are You A Flea In An Imaginary Jar? If You Don’t Know The Answer You MUST Read This NOW…

Jack Solaris
2 min readApr 5, 2022

There’s an incredibly interesting scientific study which was conducted on fleas in a jar. The scientists found that if they put fleas in a jar with a lid on for just 3 days the fleas would learn never to jump higher than the lid of the jar.

This would continue, even after the lid was removed from the jar. And so even though in normal circumstances the fleas would be able to jump out of the jar with ease it was precisely because they had learnt that the lid would keep them in that they would never even try to escape the jar.

What’s more, future generations of those fleas would copy their parents and never jump higher than where the lid of the jar used to be. In this way, they too, would never be able to jump out of the jar even though they were easily capable of doing so…

Are You Beginning To Understand The Nature Of Your Prison Yet?

Inevitably, the question that follows is… are you a flea in a jar?

Have you allowed self imposed regulations to dictate the limits of your personal possibilities? Have you allowed society to restrict you and dampen your potential?

The mind is a powerful thing and belief can not only be a transformative wonder that can take you to the very heights of existence but it can also keep you locked in a basement of suffering and sorrow.

The good news is that it’s all entirely up to you. As a being with free will you can choose not only the height of the lid on the jar but whether or not you live in a jar at all…

So, what will it be?



Jack Solaris

Researcher with an interest in history, philosophy, science and the arts.